mind the temple

My Current Mantra

If you're a recovering perfectionist like me, here's a reminder you need daily: You are enough.

We all know that perfect doesn't exist, and whatever perfect is, nobody wants it anyway.

The world needs the real you and whatever you're here to share. Know that you are all that you need to be. Right now. In this moment. Whatever you need to do or learn--you will.

Just keep going! 

What Happened in January

January Overview in Pictures
One of the most important things about getting sh!t done is taking the time to sit down and assess what went well, what didn't go so well, and what needs to change. There have been so many times where I went through a whole year of not taking the time to count the wins and then feeling like I didn't even really accomplish much. It took having a conversation with a friend or colleague to help me recognize "Oh I *did* do that!" and "Oh yeah, I got that done too!"  

Here's a little recap in photos to remind me of some things that were accomplished in the first month of the year.


How about you?  Did January go as planned?  What will you do differently?

My Plan for Optimum Soul Glow in 2015

Diana Ross I'm Coming Out

One thing I know for sure is that I love creating full-on experiences in everything I do. No matter what, it must be beautiful. How does this play out in my life? I thought about my goals for 2015 and not only do I have a theme, a phrase, a song, and visuals to represent it, I also created a visually appealing representation of my strategic plan to go along with it. Don't hate.

My official business establishment date is July 2012. I quit my job of five years, got married two months later, and took the first step in making my side hustle official. I like to say that it all really started at the top of 2013, because that's when I was fully out of the nonprofit world and in my own business full time. 2013 was a year of learning and networking, learning, throwing myself out there and learning some more. 2014 was about refining (and learning), and getting started on some of the ideas I had, and being *there for my family*.  What's in store for 2015? This is the year of The Shine.

<Insert intro to Diana Ross's "I'm Coming Out" here.> 

Evi D. 2015 Goals

I'm really big on goals and intentions. It has helped me accomplish things beyond my dreams and what I had originally set out to do or thought was possible. It's also fulfilling for me because that's where my visionary side and execution side come together. I love helping people compile all of their ideas and everything in the clouds into a distilled, succinct, road map that helps them get it done.  As a form of showing my work and also a little added accountability because I'm announcing it to the world. Here's an overview of my goals for 2015.

1. Fill the Well 

Last year I read, Todd Henry's The Accidental Creative and I was so inspired to take action. It was a great reminder of how important it is to engage in all of the things that feed our creative sides. For me it's everything from making cards for my friends, dancing, watching movies, reading fiction, going to museums, traveling, etc. Yes, there's so much work to be done--and let's not forget that the work will ALWAYS be there-- but all of the things that light me up are what keep the inspiration and creative juices flowing for my business. We can't keep shoving the fun stuff to the side because of our massive to-do lists. We have to make time for all of those things that feed us, or we won't be able to come up with the ideas anymore. Our wells will literally run dry. Being out of ideas or not having the clarity to take an idea to the next level is not good for business. Period.

2. Mind the Temple 

I can't kick ass in my day-to-day if I don't take care of myself. Because of my schedule and priorities, taking care of myself has become harder and harder to do. I have to be so intentional about it or I'll end up working to the point of exhaustion. A friend of mine refers to her workout schedule as if it's cancer treatment. That totally resonates with me because we have to set boundaries and take care of ourselves as if our life depends on it--it truly does. Meditating, eating right, working out, and taking breaks/vacations is that serious.

3. Shine On 

In 2014 I noticed I was getting really annoyed with people who aren't really doing the work or making an impact, but are so amazing at their own PR. I realized that while I do care about integrity and am comfortable with my standards, I was just being a hater because I wasn't promoting myself in the way that I know I should. One of the most important things I've learned is that we're all mirrors for each other. So when I feel really frustrated by something and it keeps showing up or nagging at me, I reflect on what it is in myself that's surfacing because of the person or situation I'm focused on. Another person's success is a reminder that the success you want is out there and possible for you. We can't forget that we have to shine and be a light to help others do the same.

Overall, my goals are focused on more money, more doing, more self-care, more fun, more stepping out of my comfort zone, and more shine. I'm finally going to launch The Authentic Hustle(TM). It's been something I've been planning, brainstorming about (and sitting on) for almost a year now--stay tuned. Plus, I'm going to do better about documenting what my day to day is like. It's all in the journey, right?

Here's a peak into my 2015 Soulful Strategic Plan(TM). What do you think?

Evi D Soulful Strategic Planning Notes

I put in at least 10 hours into getting all of my dreams, wishes, goals, dates, hard numbers and ideas on paper.


Now it's your turn! What are your goals for 2015? What are the overall themes? If you could pick a song or picture to remind yourself of your intentions for the year, what would it be?